Sunday, May 10, 2020

The Townhouse Trajectory

The Townhouse on Mars was built for a very simple purpose: to be a platform for music that I believed in. During the time the blog has been online, the world has changed rapidly and quite dramatically. Because of this, I've realized that the mission of sharing music I believed in can be applied to more than music. It can be applied to a vast array of topics, and therefore I've decided to expand the purview of the blog beyond music and art.

The name "Townhouse on Mars" comes from a conversation I overheard. Though I can't remember the details of the conversation, the thought that it triggered was, "what will we do once we get to Mars? Will we do something unique and carry the wild spirit of humanity into the galaxy, or will we just build more townhouses?"

So with this in mind, against a backdrop of an internet and culture that is seemingly growing more and more homogeneous and stale paralleled by a burgeoning awakening, going forward Townhouse on Mars will be a platform that seeks to celebrate the true spirit of humanity which is not homogeneous or stale, but wonderfully varied and alive. The Townhouse will celebrate the maverick spirit. Those vast and distant places of human thought. It will celebrate oddity, dissent, and critical free thinking. The Townhouse will always share music and art. That's it's DNA. But the aim is for it to grow into more than that. For it to be a kind of seed vault. A home. Because if we do end up just building townhouses on Mars, by God let's at least make them interesting to live in.

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