Written by: Evan Jones
La Revolucion!
The nature of the revolution the United States find itself in the midst of is Marxist. There can be no more doubt about it. Black Lives Matter and the various political forces aligned with them or any of their acolytes would have you believe that there are no alternatives to their path. That their revolution is the only way to solve racial injustice, or any injustice, in the United States. That to disagree with them means you are the problem. When you are the problem, you must be removed at all costs. This is simply because what Black Lives Matter and the various political forces allied with it are attempting to achieve is the overthrow of the U.S. government. There can be no dissent, because this is not a political movement, it is a revolutionary one and a revolution takes no dissidents. Marxists take no dissidents.
I can be so sure that what we are witnessing is an attempted revolution, more specifically, a Marxist insurrection, because of one thing: history. What is happening in the United States right now has happened many times throughout history and looks almost identical. And the revolutionary roots have been taking hold in the United States for quite some time. The fact is, this is not a McCarthyist conspiracy theory. The evidence that this is a Marxist insurgency is overwhelming. In fact, we don't even have to look at any evidence beyond the revolutionaries' own words.
From Black Lives Matter's website
And yet despite the overwhelming evidence, the fact that the imagery, slogans, actions and words are all rehashes of Marxist revolutions passed, and the fact that the co-founder of one of the most powerful political forces in the country admitted to being a trained Marxist, we still seem to be watching this insurgency plod along as if it isn't happening. The American people's propensity to believe everything is fine cannot be overstated. We seem to be wholly unwilling to accept that our government and our society could be subjected to and affected by forces which seek its demise.
The Long March
Marxism in the United States has been on a long march. For roughly sixty years, in fact. On their way, whether through covert action or simply through influence of their ideas, the Marxists have gained control over nearly every aspect of American culture. When looking around, whether it be in our universities, entertainment, the Church, our grocery store shelves, our government, and now all over our streets, it seems that in fact no aspect of life has remained untouched by the revolution.
Their plan was laid out very clearly by G. Edward Griffin in the talk below from 1969. As is the case most times when someone has warned about Communist subversion of the United States in the past, it seems Mr. Griffin was too early in his predictions. That what he was warning about needed a few more decades to come to a head. This talk describes almost exactly what is happening on the streets of the United States right now, including the move to discredit and abolish local police forces, which has apparently been a goal of the Communists since the sixties.
The oft-vilified Joseph McCarthy was not entirely wrong in his assumptions either, even if his methods and tenacity were questionable. But yet again, McCarthy was too much ahead of his time to be taken seriously. The Communist plot, to put a catchy name to it, had not had sufficient time to develop. Sufficient numbers of people had not been educated in the ideas and appeals of Communism. There was, in short, not the kind of groundswell there is today to give any weight to the claims of Marxist subversion in the United States beyond the easily dismissed claims of shadowy agents working for the KGB.
But that isn't to say that even then, in the fifties and sixties, there weren't Marxist elements working toward the overthrow of the U.S. government. Robert F. Williams, Alger Hiss, and plenty of others were examples of this. But even more significant than the fact there there have been efforts by Communists to subvert the United States is that these movements have centered around race, in almost exactly the same manor as we are watching play out today. The race issue in America seems to be the best angle of attack that the subversive elements have. Again it seems that in the past the only thing stopping the success of the movement, or rather stopping it from breaking out into anything more than a fringe movement, was that in the past there weren't sufficient numbers of acolytes to carry the movement forward. The opposite is true in 2020.
Text from the "Subversive Influences in Riots, Looting, and Burning" before the House Committee on Un-American Activities
Today's Communists
In 2020, the Marxists have a very strong groundswell of support, whether those supporters know what they are championing or not. Universities have been chugging out well-trained, albeit mostly unwitting, Marxists for a few decades. Criticisms of the idea of Marxists operating in the U.S. typically are that Communism is the weakest it's ever been. That today there are no true communist countries, with the exception of the DPRK. That the communist countries like China and Russia are really capitalist. That the left in the United States isn't Marxist, that the Communists don't even like or associate with them. All these criticisms fail on a simple premise: that Marxists don't look like or act like they did during the Cold War. Marxism is no longer simply an economic revolution, but a cultural one.
The Marxism of the 21st century is so ubiquitous that it's hard to recognize it when it's staring us in the face. It's been taught to us in high schools and universities, and the fruit of the indoctrination is now being borne out on our streets. Most of those who march in the name of Black Lives Matter don't even know that they're doing the work of the Marxists. Ironically, they project onto whites who disagree with their premises charges of "subconscious racism", when it is in fact their acolytes who are unwittingly championing Marxism.
But as one can't truly be a subconscious racist, anyone who marches under the banner of BLM isn't subconsciously a Marxist themselves. Far from it. They are simply the useful idiots who have no idea what is behind the catchy slogans they're chanting. Even the ones tearing down the statues aren't necessarily Marxists, though many likely are. The important thing here is the work they are doing. The fruits of the movement. The ushering in of a Marxist State.
Where We Are Headed
The United States' Marxist insurgency, the other long march, has gotten hold of most of our institutions. Generations of young Americans espouse Marxism and don't even know it and there are generations behind them who will be worse. This claim will surely be met with charges of conspiracy theory, but it's the truth. If you have had any interaction with more than one university professor, you're likely to come in contact with someone who spews Marxist doctrine. They may deny that they are one, but all of their literature, their thinking, their entire worldview is Marxist. The same goes for many young people. If Marxism has done anything more successfully and more sinister, it's that it has hidden itself in plain view. It no longer looks like a group of proletarians marching onto a landlord's farm with pitchforks. What it looks like today is a group of young, mis-educated throngs chanting slogans but who have no idea what they're doing. They are a perfect army to do the work of the real enemies of the Republic, who know exactly what they're doing, and exactly who they're exploiting.
But the final aim, I believe, for this little revolution is not simply a Marxist takeover of the United States. There is truth to the idea that the ones behind the movement, the powerful political forces and the real shadowy figures at the top, groups like the Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, and others, aren't avowed Marxists. Their ideologies are much deeper than and esoteric than Marxism. But if the useful idiots are the foot soldiers for the Marxists, then Marxism itself is the useful idiot of these groups.
Marxism is the most efficient political system of control in history. It infects every aspect of life including one's own mind so that the State has total control. 1984 was not fiction. Therefore, when the United States is sufficiently weakened and subverted, it will take the form of a Marxist State, but it will not simply be that. It will really be the final piece of the puzzle for a New World Order. A global control structure. That granddaddy conspiracy which seems to be unfolding right before our very eyes.
But the final aim, I believe, for this little revolution is not simply a Marxist takeover of the United States. There is truth to the idea that the ones behind the movement, the powerful political forces and the real shadowy figures at the top, groups like the Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, and others, aren't avowed Marxists. Their ideologies are much deeper than and esoteric than Marxism. But if the useful idiots are the foot soldiers for the Marxists, then Marxism itself is the useful idiot of these groups.
Marxism is the most efficient political system of control in history. It infects every aspect of life including one's own mind so that the State has total control. 1984 was not fiction. Therefore, when the United States is sufficiently weakened and subverted, it will take the form of a Marxist State, but it will not simply be that. It will really be the final piece of the puzzle for a New World Order. A global control structure. That granddaddy conspiracy which seems to be unfolding right before our very eyes.